In the article titled “Simulation and Analysis of Uncooled Microbolometer for Serial Readout Architecture” [1], there was an error in Section , where the statement “Table shows the thermal parameters of the microbolometer that were used for the simulation ” should cite reference [] in the article instead of reference []; the correct statement is as follows: Table 1 shows the thermal parameters of the microbolometer that were used for the simulation [5].

Also, in Results, there was an error in the legend of Figure , where Table should be cited instead of Table ; the correct legend is as follows: “Figure : (a) Input thermal image, (b) output for the test cases mentioned in Table , case I, (c) case II, (d) case III, (e) case IV, (f) case V, (g) output for = 20 A, = 250 s using column-wise readout, and (h) output for case IV mentioned in Table using pair-wise serial readout.”

The aforementioned errors do not affect any of the results or conclusions of the published manuscript. The authors apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Moreover, the following statement was missing from the Acknowledgements:

Syed Irtaza Haider would like to thank his M.S. thesis supervisor, Dr. Sohaib Majzoub, and cosupervisor, Professor Muhammad Alturaigi, for their contributions to this work. Some parts of this work were taken from the Master’s thesis of Syed Irtaza Haider.