Mediators of Inflammation

Genetics of Infectious Diseases and Immunoinflammatory Disorders

Publishing date
16 Mar 2018
Submission deadline
27 Oct 2017

1Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

2Institut Pasteur, Paris, France

3Research Institute of McGill University Health Center, Montreal, Canada

Genetics of Infectious Diseases and Immunoinflammatory Disorders


The number of genes and polymorphisms associated with genetic susceptibility to infectious diseases and autoimmune and inflammatory disorders has increased rapidly over the past few years. This progress can be attributed to the new technologies capable of detecting high number of markers, even at a genome-wide level, and also the availability of modern analysis tools for high throughput data. Despite an increased number of such publications, the complete dissection of the genetic component in complex diseases still depends on the development of several independent studies, including both association designs, and functional analysis to establish genotype-phenotype correlations. A complete scenario should also consider gene-gene and gene-environment interactions.

We invite authors to submit original research and review articles describing the role of variations in genes related to the immune system in disease outcome, progression, and response to treatment.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Association studies using either genome-wide or candidate genes approach in the context of infectious diseases and autoimmune and any inflammatory disorders considering diseases outcome and/or progression
  • Genetic polymorphisms as markers of response to treatment in inflammatory diseases
  • Genetic polymorphisms with pleiotropic effects in inflammatory and/or infectious diseases
  • Gene-gene and gene-environment interaction patterns in infectious diseases and inflammatory disorders
  • Systematic reviews and meta-analysis of previously reported associations between genetic markers and inflammatory disorders
Mediators of Inflammation
 Journal metrics
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Acceptance rate13%
Submission to final decision140 days
Acceptance to publication24 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.570
Impact Factor4.6
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