Research Article

Improving Fairness for Distributed Interactive Applications in Software-Defined Networks

Algorithm 1

Proactive assignment algorithm.
(1)Require: : processing capacity of each controller;
(2)Ensure: mapping between switches and controllers
(3) Initialize: initial Stable Matching
(4) for do
(5)  estimated request arrival rate ;
(6)  sort the nodes in to decreasing order according
(7)  to traffic overhead of current time-step and next
(8)  time-step ;
(9)  Temporarily holds the proposal, each switch builds list
(10)   according to the worst response time;
(11)  for do;
(12)   Find the lowest loading node of neighbors
(13)   here is the first node in the ordered list ;
(14)   mapping the smallest switch to ;
(15)  end for
(16) end for