Research Article

Improving Fairness for Distributed Interactive Applications in Software-Defined Networks

Algorithm 2

Fairness path allocation algorithm.
(1)Input: : Request flow ; allocable bandwidth
(2) capacities and delay for link ;
(3)Output: Allocated fair share for
(4) for each in the user group do
(5)  Find the paths and available multipath
(6) with the links on the flow paths
(7) within the maximum tolerable delays ;
(8)  Calculate , the sum of
(9) multipath’s weight , is the set
(10) of flows incident on link ,
(11) end for
(12) while do
(13)  for each link do
(14)   Calculate the allocation function by
(15)   Calculate the fair share results of
(16)   Sort the result and find the bottleneck
(18)   Upgrade the equation by
(19)  end for
(20)  Fair share allocation
(21) end while