Research Article

Synergy and Correlation Optimization Analysis of Innovation System and Institutional Governance System from the Perspective of Cluster Ecosystem

Algorithm 1 Code TraceBack.
(1)Input: Source_code_path in Cluster ecosystem T.
(2)T: the relational function of the element
(3)Eg(T): compound relationship is formed in innovation cluster
(4)Tr: subsystem r in innovation System T
(5)Fn: a collection of synergies
(6)F0: the optimal solution of innovate synergy
(7)g: a system formed by collaboration
(8)g0: form the optimal state of the new system
(9)Opt: the optimal solution produced by Eg(T) collaboration
(10)λr: set of order parameters in innovation system,
(11)λri: order parameter stability value
(12)δ: the upper bound of the order parameter λri in System T steady state
(13)η: the lower limit of the order parameter λri in System T steady state
(14): order parameter degree of subsystem Tr
(15): order degree of complex innovation system
(16)Wi: weight
(17): the order degree of complex system at time t0
(19): the order degree of complex system at time t1
(20): the overall collaborative stability of the innovation cluster composite system
(21)Output: Result Of Formula File Name, Result of FuncName.
(22)Source Code Set, Source Formula File Name set ← read Formula files from Source_code_path’s cluster system T
(23)Add FuncNames into Source FuncName Set
(24)Def compare Sets (Source Formula File Set, handle Func)
(25)Result Of Compare ←∅
(26)For (int r = begin, r ≤ n, r++) do
(27)T←handle Func ()
(29) If cooperative Work && accumulative effect = = true
(30) Remove T from Source Set
(31) Add T match mark into result of compare
(32) Then print ()
(33) //There are synergies between subsystems, which can form a cumulative effect.
(34) Else no match mark into result of compare
(35) End
(36)  If (∃F0∊Fn && = 0 = F0f) then
(38)  Print (opt Eg(T) is synergy and static by Tr)
(39)  Else no match mark into result of compare
(40)  End
(41)   If (Tr evolves stability&& λri∈[δri, ηri] = = true)
(42)   //In the process of subsystem evolution, there are order parameters with upper and lower limits, which make it develop stably.
(43)   Then Tr order variable
(44)   Print (The result is )
(45)   //It forms the degree of order of the stable evolution of the subsystem.
(46)   Else no match mark into result of compare
(47)   End
(48)    If &&weight (>=0&& ) = = true then
(49)    //When the subsystem is stable and orderly, the weight is combined.
(50)    Print ()
(51)    //This forms the stable and orderly degree of complex system evolution.
(52)    Else no match mark into result of compare
(53)    End
(54)     If (t ∈ [t0, t1]&& μr(λr) ∈ [] = = true)
(55)     Print
(56)     Get Source Func (Ud(t))
(57)     End
(59)End for
(60)Result Of Formula File Name←Compare Sets (clone Source FuncNameSet)