Research Article

Effect of the Entorhinal Cortex on Ictal Discharges in Low-Mg2+-Induced Epileptic Hippocampal Slice Models

Figure 6

Effects of VPA on low-Mg2+-induced interictal discharges in hippocampal slices. (a) Long-term display of the epileptiform discharges before, during, and after 3 mM VPA application, which represented the recordings of electrode number 87 in the CA3b region (Figure 1(a)). (b) Effects of VPA on interictal discharge frequency. There were significant differences between the VPA group and the Control/Wash ( , ANOVA, ). (c) Effects of VPA on interictal discharge duration. There were no significant differences between the VPA group and the Control/Wash ( , ANOVA, ).