Research Article

Increases in Retrograde Injury Signaling Complex-Related Transcripts in Central Axons following Injury

Figure 3

Inhibition of transcription results in differential axonal transcriptional changes. Real-time RT-PCR was used to measure levels of axonal mRNA in injured hippocampal axons after inhibiting transcription with AMD. All values are displayed relative to uninjured controls. Results indicate persistent elevation of importin 1 mRNA levels after transcriptional inhibition but not RanBP1, vimentin, and -actin. Black bars (previously graphed in Figure 2, 1 hr) indicate untreated axons and are included for clarity of comparison. Error bars represent standard deviations. indicates significant difference of AMD treated and untreated cells from their corresponding controls (p < 0.05) based on pairwise fixed allocation test. for all groups.