Research Article

The Retinal Inner Plexiform Synaptic Layer Mirrors Grey Matter Thickness of Primary Visual Cortex with Increased Amyloid β Load in Early Alzheimer’s Disease

Table 3

Mean V1 thickness (), V1 [11C]-PiB SUVR (), V1 [11C]-PK11195 BPND (), and retinal layers thicknesses () per group. V1 [11C]-PiB uptake showed stark differences in Aβ load.

VariableAD group ()HC group () value

V1 (mm)1.974 (0.114)1.957 (0.133)0.719
V1 [11C]-PiB SUVR1.4350 (0.290)1.033 (0.156)<0.0001
V1 [11C]- PK11195 BPND0.196 (0.060)0.205 (0.058)0.603
GCL (μm)41.19 (3.59)42.067 (3.99)0.488
IPL (μm)36.70 (3.16)36.15 (2.80)0.579
INL (μm)36.82 (1.99)36.50 (2.10)0.646
OPL (μm)30.42 (3.97)28.41 (2.17)0.104

V1: primary visual cortex; [11C]-PiB SUVR: Aβ PET radiotracer; [11C]-PK11195 BPND: neuroinflammation PET radiotracer binding potential; GCL: ganglion cell layer; IPL: inner plexiform layer; INL: inner nuclear layer; OPL: outer plexiform layer; Bonferroni corrected for multiple comparisons.