Research Article

Role of Protein Kinase C and Nox2-Derived Reactive Oxygen Species Formation in the Activation and Maturation of Dendritic Cells by Phorbol Ester and Lipopolysaccharide

Figure 7

Analysis of the effects of the treatment with the NADPH oxidase inhibitor VAS2870 and the PKC inhibitor Gö6983 on the formation of ROS and maturation of BM-DCs upon activation by PDBu or LPS. (a) BM-DCs (2 × 105 cells/well, 96-well plate) were stimulated with PDBu and additionally treated with VAS2870 and Gö6983, and ROS generation was measured by L-012 (100 μM) chemiluminescence at 20 min after stimulation. (b) ROS formation after stimulation of BM-DCs (2 × 105 cells/well, 96-well plate) with LPS and cotreatment with VAS2870 and Gö6983 was measured by L-012 chemiluminescence at 40 min after stimulation. (c) Analysis of maturation of BM-DCs (1 × 106 cells/well, 24-well plate) after stimulation with LPS (1.5 μg/ml) or PDBu (10 μM) and cotreatment with Gö6983 using flow cytometry. Data are mean ± SEM of 8 (a, b) and 2 (c) experiments. versus Ctr (w/o PDBu or LPS); versus PDBu- or LPS-treated sample.