Research Article

Overexpression of Mitochondrial Calcium Uniporter Causes Neuronal Death

Figure 2

MCU overexpression induces mitochondrial fragmentation. Mouse primary cortical neurons were cotransfected for 24 hours with mtRFP (red) and either empty vector pcDNA3.1 as control (Ctrl) or pcDNA3.1-MCU-flag (MCU), and immunofluorescence was performed as detailed in Methods in absence (a) or in presence (b) of glutamate (100 μM, 1 hour). The scale bars represent 10 μm. (c) Relative quantification of the number of objects per cell (left panel), mean volume of objects per cell (middle panel), and mean surface of objects per cell (right panel) of cells immunostained as in (a) and (b). At least 30 cells from 3 different preparations were analyzed for each condition. compared to control. Detailed statistics are described in Table 1.