Research Article

Autophagy Functions to Prevent Methylglyoxal-Induced Apoptosis in HK-2 Cells

Figure 3

Autophagy exerts protective effects against MGO-induced apoptosis. (a) Relative Atg5 mRNA levels of siNC and siAtg5 HK-2 cells. (b) Viability of transient siAtg5 cells treated with MGO (0–1 mM), as determined by MTT assays. (c) Comparison of apoptosis- and autophagy-related proteins in control cells and transient siAtg5-transfected cells treated with 0–0.75 mM of MGO for 24 h. (d) Representative images of flow cytometric analysis of apoptotic populations in control cells and transient siAtg5-transfected cells treated with 0.75 mM MGO for 24 h. (e) Percentages of live and apoptotic cells in the control and transient siAtg5-transfected groups treated with MGO. (f) Percentages of live and apoptotic cells cotreated with 0.75 mM MGO for 24 h and 0.25 mM AICAR for 8 h, as determined by flow cytometric analysis. (g) Expression of autophagy-related proteins in cells treated with MGO (24 h), AICAR (8 h), and baf (2 h). Values are . and versus the control (0) group; ###, and ### versus the same concentration of MGO ( experiments).