Research Article

Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Face Validity of the Functional Mobility Assessment into Brazilian Portuguese

Table 3

Features of participant users of mobility devices ().


Age (years)
 20 to 29541.67%
 30 to 39216.67%
 40 to 49216.67%
 50 or more325%
 Incomplete primary education325%
 Higher school758.33%
 Technical education18.33%
 Doctorate (in progress)18.33%
Current mean of mobility
 Manual wheelchair637.50%
 Powered wheelchair425%
 Axillary crutch212.5%
 Elbow crutch212.5%
Length of using the device (years)
 6 to 1018.33%
 11 to 20541.67%
 21 to 2318.33%
Device prescription
 Not informed216.67%
 Occupational therapist18.33%
 Bought without prescription18.33%
Training with mobility device