Research Article

Chloroplast DNA Variations in Wild Brassicas and Their Implication in Breeding and Population Genetics Studies

Figure 1

PCR-RFLP patterns in some wild relatives of brassicas obtained in the combination DT-TaqI. Lanes 1–18 are Dvi1, Das1, Dca1, Deru1, Bto1, Bcr2, Bcr1, Bel1, Bel2, Bel3, Bel4, Bgr1, Bma1, Bma2, Bma3, Bba1, Bba2, and Bso1, respectively. Intraspecific variations shown in B. cretica (lanes 6 and 7), B. elongata (lanes 8 to 11), and B. maurorum (lanes 13 to 15). See Table 1 for code of species and accessions. M: 100 bp ladder (left) and 50 bp ladder (right) molecular size markers; arrow indicates 500 bp band.