Security and Communication Networks

Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Big Sensing Data Security for Wireless Sensor Networks

Publishing date
01 Dec 2021
Submission deadline
30 Jul 2021

Lead Editor

1Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China

2Durham University, Durham, UK

3California State University San Bernardino, San Bernardino, USA

Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Big Sensing Data Security for Wireless Sensor Networks


Wireless sensor networks (WSN) have gradually become an essential part of daily life. Ranging from personal devices such as smartwatches and home appliances like smart meters and fridges to industrial devices such as sensors, the ubiquitous existence of these WSN devices has greatly benefited our daily lives and the economy. The rapid growth of WSN devices will continuously produce a huge amount of data, known as “Big Sensing Data (BSD)”. The fusion of WSN and BSD technologies has created opportunities for the development of services for many complex systems like Smart Cities. BSD has provided new application opportunities for industries and academia to develop new WSN solutions.

However, challenges have also arisen. Because of the large amount of transmission data, BSD is easily attacked by hackers and such data attacks are not easy to find. The diversity of BSD increases the difficulty of privacy protection, and the unstructured data in BSD will reduce the reliability of traditional security protection methods. In addition, there are many incomplete data and invalid data within BSD, which will interfere with the security protection. Therefore, security has become one of the major issues in BSD. As BSD generated from WSN devices are often dynamic and unstructured, the current security solutions, mainly designed for protecting statistic and structured data, are unable to provide effective security to the various BSD. Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology will be used to analyze BSD to find the hidden dangers in the WSN and prevent some unknown WSN security problems, therefore improving the network security to the greatest extent. Moreover, AI can be combined with people's thinking and behavior to innovate the original security mode. After resisting security risks, it can summarize defense experience so as to improve the BSD security ability.

With these challenges in mind, this Special Issue expects to promote cutting-edge research that focuses on various topics that are related to AI-enabled BSD security for WSN. Original research and review articles are welcome.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • AI-enabled BSD security models
  • AI-enabled security protocols for BSD exchange
  • AI-enabled privacy-preserving BSD analytics
  • Machine learning, deep learning, and federated learning for BSD security
  • Cloud computing and edge computing for BSD security
  • Blockchain for BSD security
  • New security frameworks for WSN
  • Security attacks and analysis of WSN frameworks
  • AI-based approaches for enhancing WSN security
  • Security and privacy assessment of WSN platforms
Security and Communication Networks
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