Research Article

High Spatial Resolution Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry for the Masses: A Novel Orthogonal ToF FIB-SIMS Instrument with In Situ AFM

Figure 9

Aluminium secondary ion image from the BAM L200 aluminium/indium/gallium arsenide standard. Field of view 2 × 2 μm, displayed pixel size 15.6 nm, 30 keV, <1 pA primary gallium ion beam. Superimposed in red are the integrated profile, and labels denoting the period of each line pair (see bam_l200repe.pdf from for more information). The 67.5 nm period line pair (i.e., lines of width 34 nm, separated by 34 nm) is barely split, but the 97 nm period pair (49 nm wide lines) is well resolved.