Research Article

Effects of Calcination on the Crystallography and Nonbiogenic Aragonite Formation of Ark Clam Shell under Ambient Condition

Table 1

Several crystal structures of calcium compounds present in ACS after calcination and kept under ambient condition for three months.

Mineral nameCalciteAragoniteVateritePortlanditeLime

Molecular formulaCaCO3CaCO3CaCO3Ca(OH)2CaO
ICSD code0734460321001812720223175785
Crystal systemTrigonalOrthorhombicHexagonalTrigonalCubic
Bravais latticeRhombohedralPrimitivePrimitivePrimitiveFace-centered
Space group () () () () ()
 a (nm)0.49910.496107.1350.360410.48106
 b (nm)0.49910.796707.1350.360410.48106
 c (nm)1.70620.5741016.980.496200.48106