Advances in Materials Science and Engineering

Nano/Micro-Structured Materials and Nano-Objects: Synthesis, Morphology, and Applications 2021

Publishing date
01 Aug 2022
Submission deadline
15 Apr 2022

Lead Editor

1The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

2Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach, Sosnowiec, Poland

3University of Craiova, Craiova, Romania

Nano/Micro-Structured Materials and Nano-Objects: Synthesis, Morphology, and Applications 2021


The fabrication of new materials with novel architectures at the nano-level enable technological developments in different fields of materials science, physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, electronics, and medicine. Understanding the structural properties of the materials with their specific internal microstructure on all length scales is key to discovering new products based on new technologies.

Over the past decade, various research has been conducted in nanotechnology to explore new structures, functional and nanostructured coatings, their synthesis and engineering, and new applications. The latest scientific advances in the field show that carbonaceous materials (e.g., classical carbonaceous materials, carbon fibers, carbon/carbon composites, carbon/polymer composites, nanotubes, fullerene, nanofiber, graphene, micro (nano) polymer/carbon fiber, etc.) can become the next generation of materials in a series of niche sectors of the economy. At the same time, new theoretical, technological, and applied problems related to the design of processed for their synthesis have arisen because each application requires a series of well-defined morphostructural characteristics of the material at nanometric scale. Their realization involves the in-depth study (physical, mathematical, and numerical modeling) of the respective materials, analysis, design, and optimization or innovation of high nanosystems, performance specific to the applications for which they are intended. Current and future technological developments in nanoengineering require a new approach to the way materials, devices, and systems are understood, designed, produced, and used.

This Special Issue welcomes both original research and review articles concerning modern technologies and engineering approaches for designing, synthesizing, characterizing, and evaluating micro- and nanostructures for various applications. Papers can address the following subjects: micro/nanomaterials preparation, characterization, morphologies, properties, applications.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Materials synthesis and characterizations
  • Theory and principles of nanostructures and nanomaterials
  • Nanomaterials manufacturing and design of innovative micro/nano structures
  • Nanomechanical characterization: optical, structural, and morphological properties
  • Mathematical modeling and computational simulations of surface morphology/topography
  • Applications of thin films
  • Integration of high-performance nanostructures into micro/nanosystems
  • Biomaterials, catalytics, electronic, energy materials, and graphene
  • Optoelectronic, oxides, photovoltaics and photocatalysis, sensor materials, and their applications
  • Characterization, technology, morphology, micro/nanostructures, and applications of polymers
  • Methods of characterization specific to or adapted for the nano size
  • Molecular dynamics methods for understanding the properties of assemblies of molecules in terms of their structure and the microscopic interactions between them
Advances in Materials Science and Engineering
 Journal metrics
See full report
Acceptance rate16%
Submission to final decision115 days
Acceptance to publication21 days
Journal Citation Indicator-
Impact Factor-
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