BioMed Research International

Aging: Mitigation and Intervention Strategies

Publishing date
28 Nov 2014
Submission deadline
11 Jul 2014

Lead Editor

1School of Medicine, Fu Jen Catholic University, New Taipei, Taiwan

2School of Biology, University of Costa Rica, Mercedes, Costa Rica

3Department of Pharmacology, School of Basic Medical Science, Peking University, Beijing, China

4Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL, USA

5School of Pharmacy, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK

Aging: Mitigation and Intervention Strategies


Aging is a natural process of life. The causes of aging may come from different sources, both internally and externally. Cellular aging may lead to organ dysfunction during this complicate, irreversible process. Decreased estrogen and melatonin levels may put menopausal women at a higher risk of skin aging, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease. Shortening of telomeres during each cell division may lead to cell death when the cell stops dividing while cell's telomeres shrink to a critical minimum size, which is one of the causes found in the degeneration of our vision, memory, and immune system. Another contributor to the aging process is oxidative stress. Increased reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels caused by environmental pollution, ionizing radiation, food additives, and so forth may mutates our genes and induce harmful effects on our cells, such as oxidations of lipid, amino acids in proteins, and inactivate specific enzymes, which can be a causal factor of cancer development and premature aging. Skin photoaging and some degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease are some of the examples accompanied by oxidative stress. In order to live healthy while we grow old, a healthy eating and life style is crucial. Meanwhile, scientists spend lot of effort trying to investigate ways to support healthy aging and prevent or delay the onset of age-related disease and decline. Many natural ingredients are also found to be beneficial, such that flavonoids may help fight oxidative stress and isoflavones may act as estrogen to decrease related symptoms and diseases in menopausal women.

The goal of this special issue is to collect information on the mechanism of aging and idea on how to mitigate, delay, or treat age-related decline and diseases and particularly focus on the roles of hormone, ROS, inflammation, gene, and immunity in aging and antiaging, as well as investigations of natural products and medications related to antiaging, thus promoting a healthy aging from different aspects. Both original papers and reviews are welcome. Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Recent developments in aging and antiaging
  • Role of hormone in aging and antiaging
  • Role of ROS and inflammation in aging and antiaging
  • Role of gene and immunity in aging and antiaging
  • Role of natural product in antiaging
  • Recent advances in antiaging drug

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