Research Article

Opinions about Teaching Modalities: A Comparison between Faculty and Students

Table 1

Highest and lowest scores on the questions in the questionnaires, separately for students and faculty. = 267–326 students and 13–30 faculty.

Highest scores
Students Faculty

4.44 Liking mediasite 4.70 BS knowledge lecture
4.39 Clin. knowledge ICM 4.64 Clin. knowledge ICM
4.39 Clin. Judgment simulation4.57 Liking lecture
4.38 Liking simulation 4.50 Clin. judgment ICM
4.37 BS knowledge mediasite 4.44 Liking simulation
4.31 Liking handouts 4.38 Liking ICM

Lowest scores
Students Faculty

3.28 Liking books 3.40 Clin. judgment TBL
3.20 Clin. judgment books 3.39 BS knowledge TBL
3.18 Clin. knowledge PBL 3.36 Clin. judgment books
3.06 Liking PBL 3.28 Clin. judgment handouts
2.87 BS knowledge PBL 3.21 Clin. judgment mediasite
2.78 USMLE preparation PBL 3.18 USMLE preparation PBL

BS: basic science; Clin.: clinical; USMLE, United States Medical Licensing Examination.