Research Article

Caregiving Involvement, Job Condition, and Job Satisfaction of Infant-Toddler Child-Care Teachers in the United States

Table 2

Regression equations for job condition variables.

VariablesBSE B

Dependent variable = job satisfaction
 Cope with children.28.14.38*
 Cope with colleagues.26.27.20
 Adequate resources.23.20.25
 Sufficient training.04.21.04
Dependent variable = burnout
 Cope with children−.56.21−.56**
 Cope with colleagues−.01.41−.01
 Adequate resources−.10.30−.09
 Sufficient training.12.33.10
Dependent variable = quit
 Cope with children−.13.12−.17
 Cope with colleagues−.67.23−.55**
 Adequate resources−.27.17−.31
 Sufficient training.27.18.29

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