Research Article

Examining the Correspondence between Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Achievement: A Case Study Analysis

Table 2

Biology test performance of participants before and during SREP intervention.

Participant nameBaseline test
score averagea
Intervention test
score averageb
Gain score Intervention
test no. 1
test no. 2
test no. 3
( ) ( ) ( ) -score (raw) -score (raw) -score (raw)

Vince.26 (76.3%).42 (85.3%).16 (9.0)−.50 (76%) .95 (85%).80 (95%)
Pauline−.31 (68.0%) −.05 (79.7%).26 (11.7)−1.0 (71%) .17 (75%).68 (93%)
Eric.14 (74.8%).43 (84.0%).29 (9.2) .57 (87%) .74 (83%)−.02 (82%)
John−1.63 (50.5%)−.84 (67.3%).79 (16.8)−.60 (75%)−.71 (64%) −1.22 (63%)
Group Avg−.40 (67.4%)−.02 (79.1%).38 (11.7)−.40 (77.3%).29 (76.8%).06 (83.3%)

: mean -score. : mean raw exam score.
ameans biology test scores prior to SREP. bmeans biology test scores during SREP.