Research Article

An International Reading Literacy Study: Factor Structure of the Chinese Version of the Student Questionnaire (PIRLS-SQCV 2011)

Table 2

Exploratory factor analysis for the PIRLS 2011 student questionnaire (PIRLS-SQCV 2011).


G7A parents ask learning content0.674
G7B talk homework with parents0.720
G7C parents guarantee homework time0.637
G7D parents check homework0.586
G8A liking being in school0.624
G8B feel safe in school0.719
G8C feel belonged at school0.842
G9A be made fun0.624
G9B left out of activities0.569
G9C spread lies about me0.742
G9D something stolen from me0.465
G9E hit or hurt by others0.612
G9F made to do unwanted things0.535
R1 time spent on outside school reading
R2A read for fun0.860
R2B read things that I choose0.828
R2C read to find something to learn0.637
R3A read stories or novels0.521
R3B read books that explain things
R3C read magazines
R3D read comic books
R3E read newspapers
R3F read TV transcripts
R4 frequency of borrowing books from library
R5A like the reading in school
R5B teachers provide interesting reading0.617
R5C know teachers’ expectation0.700
R5D think of unrelated things in class
R5E easy to understand teachers0.616
R5F interested in teachers’ saying0.732
R5G teachers give interesting things0.678
R6A read silently alone0.595
R6B read books I choose0.740
R7A read only have to
R7B like talking about reading
R7C happy to receive books as gifts
R7D think reading boring0.500
R7E want more time for reading0.560
R7F enjoy reading0.541
R8A read well0.647
R8B reading is easy0.730
R8C reading’s harder for me than classmates0.771
R8D do not care how hard to read, if interesting
R8E have trouble with difficult words0.575
R8F teachers positive feedback on reading
R8G reading’s harder than other subjects0.725
R9A like reading for thinking0.582
R9B important to be a good reader0.749
R9C parents like me reading0.685
R9D learn from reading0.755
R9E read well for future0.827
R9F like when books help imagine0.678

 % of variance22.746.475.694.023.423.102.472.232.182.04
 Cumulative %22.7429.2234.9138.9342.3545.4547.9250.1552.3354.37

Note. Extraction method: maximum likelihood. Rotation method: Promax with Kaiser Normalization (Kapper = 4). Rotation converged in 9 iterations. KMO = 0.93, < 0.000. Variables with factor loading of less than 0.40 are not shown to improve readability. Percentage of variance extracted by the ten factors was 54.37%. Coding of the items R5D, R7A, R7D, R8C, R8F, and R8G was reversed prior to EFA analysis for consistency.