Research Article

Examining Factor Structure of the Chinese Version of the PIRLS 2011 Home Questionnaire

Table 2

Exploratory factor analysis for the PIRLS 2011 home questionnaire (PIRLS-HQCV 2011).


H6A recognize letters.746
H6B read words.903
H6C read sentences.881
H6D write letters.758
H6E write words.691
H7A count
H7B recognize shapes
H7C recognize numbers.833
H7D write numbers.876
H8 time on homework
H9A discuss schoolwork.679
H9B help with schoolwork.777
H9C set aside time for homework.666
H9D ask about learning in school.682
H9E check homework.652
H9F help practice reading.780
H9G help practice math.799
H9H talk about learning.693
H10A school includes parents in education
H10B school should include parents more−.580
H10C school is safe
H10D school cares children’s progress.471
H10E school should inform more−.607
H10F school helps reading.784
H10G school helps math.853
H10H school helps science.799
H11 parents’ time on reading
H12 parents’ reading for enjoyment.431
H13A only read what have to.915
H13B like talking about reading.438
H13C like spending time on reading.696
H13D read only for information.709
H13E reading is important.702
H13F have more time on reading.798
H13G enjoy reading.866

% of variance18.3611.168.828.

Notes. Extraction method: maximum likelihood. Rotation method: promax with Kaiser normalization (Kappa = 4). Rotation converged in 7 iterations. KMO = .84; . Variables with factor loadings of less than .40 are not shown to improve readability. Percentage of variance extracted by the seven factors was 59.48%. Coding of the items H10B, H10E, H13A, and H13D was reversed prior to EFA analysis for consistency.