Research Article

Examining Factor Structure of the Chinese Version of the PIRLS 2011 Home Questionnaire

Table 6

Factor structure of the present study and PIRLS context questionnaire scales.

EFA & CFA factor constructsHome questionnaire numberPIRLS context questionnaire scalesHome questionnaire number

Factor 1: parents’ engagement in children’s studyH9A–H9H
Factor 2: performance on early literacy tasks H6A–H6ECould do Early literacy Tasks When Began Primary School ScaleH6A–H6E
Factor 3: parents like readingH12, H13B, H13C, H13E, H13F, H13GParents Like Reading ScaleH12, H13A–H13G
Factor 4: parents’ opinions of school on children’s progressH10D, H10F, H10G, H10H
Factor 5: performance on early numeracy tasksH7C, H7D
Factor 6: parents’ opinions of school involving parentsH10B, H10E
Factor 7: parents’ extrinsic motivation of readingH13A, H13DParents Like Reading ScaleH12, H13A–H13G
Corresponding items were excluded in EFAEarly Literacy Activities Before Beginning Primary School ScaleH2A–H2I