Research Article

An Adaptation and Validation of Students’ Satisfaction Scale: The Case of McGraw–Hill Education Connect

Table 3

Item loadings on rotated extracted factors after deleting 10 and 21.

Factor1, 2

V1I am satisfied with Connect0.835
V2I would like to take a similar course if it utilizes Connect0.866
V4I would recommend others to take courses which use Connect0.603
V5I was not satisfied with my Connect experience0.585
V6With Connect I learned more in this online course as compared to a face-to-face course0.658
V7Connect encouraged me to rethink my understanding of some aspects of the subject matter after completing Connect modules0.748
V8While using Connect, examples and illustrations were given to help me to grasp things better0.942
V12The Connect modules used in this course facilitated my learning0.730
V27I used Connect to help me commission my strengths and weaknesses0.587
V13Receiving feedback on Connect modules helped me to determine areas of deficiency0.521
V14Preparation for graded quizzes in this course facilitated my learning0.429
V15Online quizzes embedded in Connect better helped me to understand my level of comprehension0.847
V16Online quizzes embedded in Connect helped to direct my studying and learning0.655
V9While using Connect, I was prompted to think about how I could develop my learning0.578
V17Connect helped me to come to class prepared0.838
V18Connect facilitated my interaction in course discussions0.536
V19I used Connect to cover course content before it was discussed in class0.714
V11Connect modules clarified expectations of what is required to be understood to get good marks0.492
V22From the start, Connect made clear to me what I was supposed to learn in this unit0.466
V23The amount of work required for Connect modules was appropriate0.559
V24Connect allowed me to access online/digital learning resources readily0.553
V26Connect allowed me to be responsible for my own learning0.549
V28Connect helped me to learn more efficiently by showing me what I needed to focus on0.657
V29Connect helped me to focus my attention on specific areas of need0.669

1Extraction method: maximum likelihood. 2Rotation method: Promax with Kaiser’s normalization.