Research Article

Research into Teachers’ (Dis)Respect for Learners: A Cross-Cultural Study of English Language Teachers’ and Learners’ Perceptions

Table 1

Definitions of respect within the psychological and educational literature.


Rogers [20]An abiding trust and acceptance of the other person, even a prizing of the other person as worthy and valuable (p. 121)
Lickona [24]Showing regard for the worth of someone or something. It includes respect for self, respect for the rights and dignity of all persons, and respect for the environment that sustains life (p. 67)
Underwood-Baggett [25]Affirming and honoring the other person as a human being based on the concepts of caring, power with, and engagement (p. 8)
Deiro [26]Honoring students’ position and abilities, and seeing them as worthy of esteem; showing regard for students’ basic human right to expression and believing in their growing abilities to manage their own lives successfully (p. 61)