Research Article

The Effect of First-Year Seminar Classroom Design on Social Integration and Retention of STEM First-Time, Full-Time College Freshmen

Table 1

Social integration survey responses.

Entire classLM groupsEntire classLM groups

Total enrollment1753922 (13%)6 (15%)39386 (15%)8 (21%)8 (21%)38 (100%)
Survey response rate123 (70%)37 (95%)12 (55%)6 (100%)37 (95%)28 (74%)6 (100%)5 (63%)5 (63%)24 (63%)

WVU is the right college for me93%78%100%67%78%90%67%80%80%83%
I have made friends in college98%97%100%100%97%97%100%100%100%100%
Making new friends and fitting in was harder than expected24%46%17%67%46%17%67%0%0%21%

Exercise physiology is the right major for me84%76%83%50%76%66%50%40%40%63%
Sense of connectedness with other faculty, students, and staff in exercise physiology64%57%75%67%57%62%67%60%60%54%

Spends time with other EXPH students outside of class78%70%83%50%70%76%50%80%80%67%
I think I have a great deal in common with other students in exercise physiology68%59%58%17%59%76%17%60%60%58%
Satisfied with their overall social life in exercise physiology73%51%83%33%51%72%33%80%80%58%
Satisfied with the amount of class interaction had with the other students in the course60%70%67%67%70%79%67%40%40%71%
I have made friends with other students in the course80%84%92%100%84%90%100%100%100%75%

Satisfied with the amount of class interaction with the instructors in class70%84%75%100%68%66%83%60%60%58%
Satisfied with the quality of the instruction90%92%83%83%92%93%83%80%80%88%
Enjoy the format of the class (lecture, small group, etc.)59%84%50%50%84%83%50%80%80%71%
The course helped me adjust to the college72%81%83%83%92%83%83%80%100%71%

LL: large lecture; LL LM: low math students in the large lecture; SL: small lecture; SL LM: low math students in the small lecture; FC: flipped classroom; FC LM: low math students in the flipped classroom; CLM: low math students in the combined flipped classroom; SLM: low math students in the separated flipped classroom; data reported as percent positive response (e.g., selected “strongly agree” or “somewhat agree” on 5-point Likert scale).