Research Article

Microbiological Safety of Kitchen Sponges Used in Food Establishments

Table 3

Microbial count (log CFU/mm3) of different microbial groups detected in kitchen sponge samples, Jimma, 2011.

Microbial group Source of kitchen sponge
RestaurantHotelPastry Cafeteria
Avg SD CV% MinMaxAvg SD CV% MinMaxAvg SD CV% MinMaxAvg SD CV% MinMax

Coliform3.41 3.67 107.6<2.0 5.3 6.086.37104.83.116.934.945.241062.205.955.816.26107.72.006.91
EB4.904.92100.43.995.846.42 7.08 110.31.45 7.93 6.006.16102.73.076.796.046.36105.33.496.93
Molds 3.113.49112.2<<<<2.05.00

AMB = aerobic mesophilic bacteria; EB = Enterobacteriaceae.