Research Article

Effects of Cooking Method on the Antioxidant Activity and Inhibition of Lipid Peroxidation of the Javanese Salad “Pecel” Vegetables and Its Peanut Sauce Dressing

Table 3

Antioxidant activity of peanuts, peanut sauce, and combined cooked Pecel vegetables without or with peanut sauce.

Antioxidant activityPercentage
Reduction in antioxidant activity values values

(a). Peanut (raw and fried in fresh (FO) or repeatedly used oil (RO))
Fresh raw peanut-0.004
FO fried peanuts9.8
RO fried peanuts16.92

(b). Fried peanut compared to peanut sauce
FO fried peanuts-0.023
FO peanut sauce-
RO fried peanuts-0.037
RO peanut sauce-

(c). Peanut sauce
FO peanut sauce-0.033
RO peanut sauce-

(d). Combined cooked vegetables without or with peanut sauce
Combined vegetablesabc-<0,001
Pecel FO18,37
Pecel RO22.31

All data are presented as (). One-way ANOVA, significant when . Independent -test, significant when . aPapaya leaves, kenikir leaves, spinach, and yard-long beans were boiled for 1 min. bTuri flowers water-steamed for 1 minute. cBean sprouts blanched in boiling water for 20 seconds. (FO peanut: fresh raw peanut; RO peanut: fresh raw peanut). Pecel FO: combined cooked vegetables with FO peanut sauce; Pecel RO: combined cooked vegetables with RO peanut sauce.