Research Article

Hygienic Practices of Vendors and Their Contribution to Coliform, Salmonella, and Shigella Bacteria of Raw Milk at Asella Town, Oromia, Ethiopia

Table 2

Sociodemographic characteristics of raw milk vendors at Asella town, Oromia, Ethiopia, 2022 ().

VariablesCategoriesFrequency (%)

Age (in years)≤35123 (58.6)
≥3687 (41.4)

GenderMale102 (48.6)
Female108 (51.4)

Educational statusNo formal education32 (15.2)
Elementary and secondary137 (65.2)
Degree and above41 (19.5)

OccupationMerchant112 (53.3)
Farmer18 (8.6)
Private worker38 (18.1)
Governmental24 (11.4)
Other18 (8.6)

Others refer to housewives, daily labourers, and jobless.