Research Article

Using Infrared Radiation in a Radiant Wall Oven for Blanching Small-Sized Peanuts

Table 2

Terms used in descriptive analysis of peanut treatments during the shelf life study.

DescriptorModalityDefinitionRatings of warm-up sample

FracturabilityTextureThe force with which you first bite through the sample6.5
OilinessTextureDegree to which free oil is perceived in the mouth after 5 chews1
Raw/beanyFlavorThe flavor associated with raw peanuts3.5
Overall oxidizedFlavorThe old/stale flavor associated with rancid fats and oils0
CardboardFlavorThe flavor associated with somewhat oxidized fats and oils and reminiscent of wet cardboard0
FishyFlavorThe flavor associated with trimethylamine, cod liver oil or old fish0
PaintyFlavorThe aromatic associated with linseed oil, or oil based paint0
BitterBasic tasteThe taste on the tongue associated with bitter agents such as caffeine solution1
SaltyBasic tasteThe taste on the tongue associated with sodium chloride solution1
SweetBasic tasteThe taste on the tongue associated with sucrose solution2
AstringentFeeling factorThe puckering or drying sensation on the mouth or tongue surface1.5