Research Article

Algal and Vegetable Oils as Sustainable Fish Oil Substitutes in Rainbow Trout Diets: An Approach to Reduce Contaminant Exposure

Figure 2

Concentrations of (a) PCBs (ppb), (b) organochlorine pesticides (ppb), (c) toxaphenes (ppb), and (d) flame retardants (ppb) in initial fish, at the end of growth period, and at the end of washout period. 18 FO, 18 DP/DE diet with 100% fish oil; 18 SO, 18 DP/DE diet with 75% soybean oil; 18 CO, 18 DP/DE diet with 75% canola oil; 18 COS, 18 DP/DE diet with 75% blend of canola oil and Schizochytrium sp.; 25 FO, 25 DP/DE diet with 100% fish oil; 25 SO, 25 DP/DE diet with 75% soybean oil; 25 CO, 25 DP/DE diet with 75% canola oil; 25 COS, 25 DP/DE diet with 75% blend of canola oil and Schizochytrium sp.; DM, dry matter; DP/DE, digestible protein/digestible energy (lipids). Data represent the mean of three replicates for initial data and growth trial; duplicates for washout trial. The error bars represent standard errors. Within the growth period, different superscripts indicate significant differences ().