Research Article

Microbiological Quality of Kachumbari, a Raw Vegetable Salad Popularly Served Alongside Roast Meat in Kenya

Table 1

Level of contamination by hygiene indicator microorganisms in raw vegetables salads served by roast meat eateries.

Hygiene indicator microorganismsCFU/g (interpretation)% of samples ()Samples’ pH interval

Beta-glucuronidase-positive Escherichia coli<20 (satisfactory)14 (35.9%)3.95–4.53
20 – ≤102 (borderline)7 (17.9%)3.89–4.81
>102 (unsatisfactory)18 (46.2%)3.45–4.62

Staphylococcus aureus and other coagulase-positive staphylococci<20 (satisfactory)0%
20 – ≤104 (borderline)39 (100%)
>104 (unsatisfactory)0%

Satisfactory: suitable for human consumption; borderline: moderate microbiological risk; unsatisfactory: unsuitable for human consumption as per the Health Protection Agency Guidelines for Assessing the Microbiological Safety of Ready-to-Eat Food [25].