Research Article

Effect of Radio Frequency Cold Plasma Treatment on Intermediate Wheatgrass (Thinopyrum intermedium) Flour and Dough Properties in Comparison to Hard and Soft Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Table 1

Solvent retention capacity of flour types before and after plasma treatment.

SolventHard red wheatIntermediate wheatgrassSoft wheat

Before plasma treatment
Lactic acid126.378.786.4
5% sodium carbonate
50% sucrose114.3107.2103.1

After plasma treatment
Lactic acid121.379.288.6
5% sodium carbonate
50% sucrose140.5115.3108.7

Different letters indicate differences among values across rows, assessed via Tukey’s HSD test (), i.e., between flour types for the same solvent. Lowercase letters were used to signify differences before plasma treatment and uppercase letters to distinguish flour types after plasma treatment. Asterisks denote significant differences (paired t-test, ) in the proportion of a secondary structure type between untreated and plasma-treated flours of the same type.