Research Article

Survey of Quality Attributes of Beef from Farmers Market Vendors

Table 8

Least squares means for sensory panel ratings1 by source and steak type main effects.

Main effectsnOverall likingSEMTenderness likingSEMFlavor likingSEMJuiciness likingSEM

 Farmers Market595.17b0.165.70b0.
Steak type
 Top loin396.50a0.206.520.276.52a0.156.43a0.20
 Top sirloin396.10ab0.266.050.356.22ab0.206.23a0.26

a,bLeast squares means in the same column and source without common superscript letters differ (). 1Sensory panel ratings: overall liking 9 = like extremely, 1 = dislike extremely; tenderness: 9 = very tender, 1 = not at all tender; juiciness: 9 = very juicy; flavor: 9 = extreme amount, 1 = none at all. n = number of steaks.