Research Article

Improvement in Physicochemical, Microbial, and Sensory Properties of Common Squid (Todarodes pacificus Steenstrup) by Superheated Steam Roasting in Combination with Smoking Treatment

Table 7

Sensory evaluation of oak sawdust-smoke-treated squid at different time durations.

Smoking time (min)AppearanceOdorFlavorTexturePreference

07.65 ± 0.58a7.30 ± 0.67a7.45 ± 0.90a7.45 ± 0.69a7.55 ± 0.69a
108.00 ± 0.62ab7.80 ± 0.92ab7.90 ± 0.84a7.70 ± 0.67a8.00 ± 0.33a
207.85 ± 0.58a7.50 ± 0.47a7.45 ± 0.44a7.50 ± 0.47a7.60 ± 0.32a

Values are mean ± SD (). Different letters (a-b) indicate significant differences among means by Tukey’s test at .