Research Article

Isolation and Identification of Infection-Causing Bacteria in Dairy Animals and Determination of Their Antibiogram

Table 1

Occurrence of isolates bacteria across critical sampling points (n = 150) of different samples collected from dairy farm animals.

Bacteria isolatedIsolate no. (%)No. of positive samples (%)
Milk samples, fore and hinds teats, cattle (n = 30)Milk samples, fore and hinds teats, buffaloes (n = 30)Trough lactating animal (n = 30)Fecal sample, cattle (n = 30)Fecal sample, buffaloes (n = 30)

E. coli88 (58%)21 (70%)19 (63%)9 (30%)20 (66%)19 (63%)
S. aureus81 (54%)20 (66%)19 (63%)2 (6%)21 (70%)19 (63%)
Shigella spp.44 (29%)12 (40%)12 (40%)0 (0%)11 (36%)9 (30%)
Salmonella spp.32 (21%)6 (20%)4 (13%)6 (20%)8 (26%)8 (26%)