Research Article

Ultrasound-Assisted Modification of Insoluble Dietary Fiber from Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) Seeds

Table 2

The regression equations of the fitted model for OHC and WHC.

ResponseRegression formRegression equation

OHC (equation (1))ActualOil holding capacity = 5.35 + 0.2825amplitude + 0.04125time + 0.11125temperature − 1.155amplitude^2 + 0.0075amplitude time + 0.0425amplitudetemperature − 0.5075time^2 − 0.01timetemperature − 1.5625temperature^2

WHC (equation (2))ActualWater holding capacity = 6.9 + 0.1975amplitude + 0.05625time + 0.14625temperature − 0.86125amplitude^2 − 0.015amplitudetime + 0.005amplitudetemperature − 0.06375time^2 − 0.0425timetemperature − 1.11875 temperature^2

OHC = oil holding capacity; WHC= water holding capacity; A = amplitude; B= time; C= temperature.