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Editor-authored research: infectious diseases

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Research Spotlight text over black gradient with image showing bacteria under microscope in blue tint

This collection contains some of our most read articles on infectious diseases - all authored by our editors.

This curated collection of recently published editor-authored articles covers some of our most viewed and downloaded articles in the field of infectious diseases. These four featured papers are all co-authored by Hindawi Academic Editors and cover a range of different conditions, including dengue fever, fascioliasis, leprosy and COVID-19.

Our editors play a valuable role in ensuring that our journals publish high-quality research relevant to the aims and scope of the journal. In addition, as leaders in their fields, our editors also carry out their own research. Many choose to submit their own research to the journal they edit, or to another Hindawi journal. These manuscripts go through the same rigorous Research Integrity processes as all manuscripts submitted to our journals. Read more about Research Integrity at Hindawi.

Hindawi Academic Editors receive a full APC waiver on all co-authored manuscripts published in the journal they edit. In addition, they are also eligible for a 50% APC waiver on papers published in other Hindawi journals for which they are the corresponding author. If you are interested in joining the Editorial Board of a Hindawi journal, register your interest today.

Diagnosis of Acute Dengue Virus Infection Using Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay and Real-Time PCR

Dengue fever is a growing concern for public health worldwide, particularly in tropical and subtropical regions. This study, published in Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology by Academic Editor Mohsin Khurshid and colleagues, evaluates the diagnostic accuracy of the NS1 ELISA antigen test for dengue fever, comparing it with multiplex qRT-PCR as the gold standard.

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Liver Abscess due to Fasciola hepatica: A Case Report of the North of Iran

Fascioliasis can manifest itself with unusual symptoms. In a case report published in Case Reports in Infectious Diseases, Academic Editor Fariborz Mansour-Ghanaei and colleagues discuss the diagnosis and treatment of a 38-year old woman with a large liver abscess. Following a poor response to antibiotic therapy, the patient was successfully treated with triclabendazole.

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Comparison of IL-17 and FOXP3+ Levels in Maternal and Children Leprosy Patients in Endemic and Nonendemic Areas

Leprosy, a chronic infection caused by M. leprae, has a complex transmission problem that makes eradication programs difficult. This may be caused by the dysregulation of immune system in individuals living in leprosy-endemic areas. In this research article published in Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Infectious Diseases, Academic Editor Hardyanto Soebono and colleagues investigate the dysregulation of immune system, by comparing IL-17 and FOXP3+ levels occurring in maternal and child leprosy patients in endemic and nonendemic areas.

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From Bilateral Periorbital Necrotic Wound to Fungal Brain Abscess: A Complicated Case of COVID-19-Associated Mucormycosis

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has led to a surge in invasive fungal infections, particularly among critically ill patients. In this case report published in Case Reports in Infectious Diseases, Academic Editor Mohsen Pourazizi and colleagues describe a rare case of COVID-19-associated mucormycosis in a 33-year-old immunocompetent man who developed bilateral periocular pain and a small area of cutaneous necrosis in both medial canthi associated with impaired vision, which progressed into a fungal brain abscess formation in the post-COVID period.

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This blog post is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC-BY). Illustration adapted from Adobe Stock by David Jury.

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