The latest from Hindawi

Celebrating Peer Review Week 2021: what does identity and inclusion in peer review really mean?

To mark National Fitness Day, we invite you to view two impactful studies which consider ways in which fitness and exercise can be used to prevent...

We are committed to making our new peer review system, Phenom, intuitive and user friendly for our authors, editors and reviewers. Operations Manager...

Editors and peer reviewers are important contributors to the success of your paper. It’s therefore vital to understand what they may be looking out...

Are you looking for early-career guidance? Then look no further than our editor interview videos.

Moving towards a better world together, is science communication the key? Laurent Chicoineau, Director of Quai des Savoirs, believes so. Here, he...

Hindawi implements a set of quality checks post peer review to ensure that the process has been conducted honestly and fairly. Catherine Glover...

Your chance to hear from our new Chief Editor as he discusses ways to better support the research community.

Evidence suggests that articles published in Special Issues get more visibility, benefiting from their interdisciplinary nature and the collaborative...

Examining complex systems at different scales could help to identify networks that contain high degrees of information.

Journal of Applied Mathematics is now indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), meaning that articles will soon be discoverable in Web...

Article of the Year Award

Article of the Year Award

Authors | Editors | Science

A thank you to our authors for their exceptional contribution to scientific research.

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