The latest from Hindawi

We are excited to announce that Hindawi has been acquired by Wiley, a company that shares our vision of putting the researcher at the heart of...

Statistics show that a video abstract can significantly increase engagement with scientific publications. What are the benefits and how can you go...

As the year is coming to a close, it’s time to reflect on the achievements, the lessons learned, and the new goals that we set for ourselves.

Facts and scientific evidence should inform public decision-making wherever possible. That is why science communication is important. As such, the...

You’ve decided which journal you want to submit your research to – now what? Catherine Farrell, Editorial Production Editor at Hindawi, takes us...

In this opinion piece, Andrei Surguchov, Professor of Neurology at University of Kansas Medical Center and Chief Editor of Biochemistry Research...

To help you make the most of your research, we’ve partnered with a group of leading author service providers to offer Hindawi authors a discount on a...

Panelists on a recent webinar in collaboration with LetPub and Dr Jeannette Vasquez-Vivar, Chief Editor of Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity...

A webinar discussing science communication and how it can help to maximize the impact of your research.

Veronique Kiermer is Chief Scientific Officer at PLOS, a role she has held since the beginning of the year. She has worked as an Executive Editor at...

From wanting to live longer, to living healthier in old age, Anshu Agrawal, Professor at the Division of Basic and Clinical Immunology, College of...

To help you make the most of your research, we’ve partnered with a group of leading author service providers to offer Hindawi authors a discount on a...

We have begun to integrate the 200+ Hindawi journals into Wiley’s journal portfolio. You can find out more about how this benefits our journal communities on our FAQ.