The latest from Hindawi

Why and when to work with a science communication consultant.

To help you make the most of your research, we’ve partnered with a group of leading author service providers to offer Hindawi authors a discount on a...

How are you helping forge a gender-equal world in science and research? We talked to our Editors and here’s what they said.

ORCiD’s and Hindawi

ORCiDs and Hindawi

Authors | Researchers

The use of ORCiDs is becoming increasingly ubiquitous in all realms of scholarly publishing. Rebecca Windless, Editorial Publishing Editor at...

To help you make the most of your research, we’ve partnered with a group of leading author service providers to offer Hindawi authors a discount on a...

The global need for science engagement has never been greater. How can we harbor trust in scientists beyond the boundaries of research? Marie...

A message from Paul Peters.

Professor Loredana Zollo is Head of CREO Lab -- Advanced Robotics and Human-Centered Technologies -- at the Università Campus Bio-Medico di Roma...

A webinar discussing how to make publication a better and fairer process for authors.

Science podcasts are trending globally, with an audience of millions tuning in across the world. From interviews to marketing to finding a good...

What is "research integrity"? Matt Hodgkinson, Head of Editorial Policy and Ethics, articulates four pillars — honesty, transparency, competence, and...

To help you make the most of your research, we’ve partnered with a group of leading author service providers to offer Hindawi authors a discount on a...

We have begun to integrate the 200+ Hindawi journals into Wiley’s journal portfolio. You can find out more about how this benefits our journal communities on our FAQ.