The latest from Hindawi

Meet Lead Guest Editor Dr. Hailiang Tang

Meet Lead Guest Editor Dr. Hailiang Tang

Authors | Editors | Opinion

We sat down with Dr. Hailiang Tang, Lead Guest Editor at Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, to talk about his contribution to the field of...

In this post, Kurt Spurlock, Quality Manager and Brandon Jernigan, UX Designer & Writer share their insight into how both publishers and authors can...

We put the spotlight on women working to make science more open and to inspire others with their passion for innovation in scholarly communications.

Today marks the launch of the Initiative for Open Abstracts – a new cross-publisher initiative calling for unrestricted availability of abstracts to...

The importance of trust in peer review

The importance of trust in peer review

Authors | Editors | Reviewers

To mark Peer Review Week 2020, we passed the microphone over to our reviewers for their thoughts on peer review and the importance of trust.

Abada Begum, Publishing Editor at Hindawi, joined the 4th Annual HEART iN DIABETES conference online. Here she shares her overall experience...

This blog is part of our ‘Chief Editor Spotlight Series’. Look out for monthly posts where our Chief Editors share insights into their roles, tips...

Selina Wray hopes to help break down misconceptions around Alzheimer’s research. As a Senior Research Fellow at UCL Institute of Neurology, she...

SAGE Publishing is the latest addition to our Publishing Partnerships family. This new partnership will see three SAGE titles publish open access...

MIT Press, Springer Nature, UCL Press and Cambridge University Press join the C19 Rapid Review Initiative that is now endorsed by RoRI, SSRN, and...

This blog is part of our ‘Editor Spotlight Series’. Look out for monthly posts where our Editors share insights into their roles and discuss trends...

We are excited to welcome Cambridge University Press to our Publishing Partnerships program. Under this new partnership, five Cambridge University...

We have begun to integrate the 200+ Hindawi journals into Wiley’s journal portfolio. You can find out more about how this benefits our journal communities on our FAQ.