The latest from Hindawi

Crystallographers routinely deposit their newly discovered small molecule structures with the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre (CCDC). A new...

Science communication is part of the research process. Elodie Chabrol explains why.

Science communication is generally consumed by people with at least some interest in your topic. How can you go beyond that to reach the unconverted?

This blog is part of our ‘Editor Spotlight Series’. Look out for monthly posts where our Associate Editors share insights into their roles, tips for...

Journal-level reporting can enable authors to choose the right journal for their research. Here’s how we help Hindawi authors navigate through our...

Join us on July 8, 2020 for a roundtable discussion about the changes the COVID-19 pandemic has enacted within the STM industry, the impact it has...

We are providing authors with the ability to take advantage of a wide range of manuscript preparation and post-publication services.

Pitch your research in three minutes

Pitch your research in three minutes

Career | Authors | Researchers

Wake up your audience, take them by the hand and send them home with one clear idea.

Streamlining chemistry preprints to peer review

Streamlining chemistry preprints to peer review

Opinion | Researchers | Peer Review

An interview with Marshall Brennan of ChemRxiv about how our upcoming partnership will support submissions to Hindawi’s open access journals.

Marine biologist and science communicator, Diva Amon, is a fellow at NHM London and Director of SpeSeas and Co-lead of the Deep-Ocean Stewardship...

Children, teenagers, parents and grandparents; science can inspire people of all ages.

Can US Federal Research Agencies move beyond Public Access to fuel innovation and integrity in the research process itself?

We have begun to integrate the 200+ Hindawi journals into Wiley’s journal portfolio. You can find out more about how this benefits our journal communities on our FAQ.