Education Research International

Competencies for Complex Reasoning in the Framework of Education 4.0 and Open Science

Publishing date
01 Dec 2022
Submission deadline
22 Jul 2022

1Tecnologico de Monterrey, Monterrey, Mexico

2Universidad de Salamanca Facultad de Ciencias, Salamanca, Spain

3University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa

Competencies for Complex Reasoning in the Framework of Education 4.0 and Open Science


In an environment where sustainable development seeks new solutions to meet global and local needs, open research, innovation, science, and technology transfer processes for entrepreneurship can provide alternative solutions. In this framework, Education 4.0 can contribute to the innovation of products and services that meet the needs to promote competencies for complex reasoning. In this context, open education, open science, and open innovation practices become fundamental tools to accelerate learning and build new forms of development of professionals committed to society.

Education 4.0 develops and implements new personalized learning pathways, innovative didactic and management tools, smart and sustainable infrastructures, complemented with emerging open ICTs such as artificial intelligence, virtual reality, robotic and blockchain, with real potential to reduce the digital divide. The application of best practices and the use of emerging technologies in combination with innovative pedagogical procedures is known as "Education 4.0". Open Science and artificial intelligence are basic tools due to their scope, linked to open innovation, entrepreneurship, and transfer processes with a strong capacity of connecting public and private sectors for sustainable development and competencies for complex thinking.

This Special Issue aims to invite the sharing of innovative research and applications with competencies for complex thinking and Education 4.0: products, services, knowledge generation and transfer, and open science. Contributions of research, rigorous review articles, studies with a theoretical, methodological, or practical approach are welcome. Papers should make a significant contribution to competencies for complex reasoning.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Reasoning competencies for complexity (scientific, systematic, critical, and innovative thinking) for education and sustainable development
  • Competencies for complex reasoning training through Education 4.0
  • Emerging technologies for education 4.0 (connectivity, digitalisation, virtualisation, smartification, datafication, among others) and development of competencies
  • Implementation of 4.0 technologies (such as Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, mixed reality, augmented reality, open platforms, virtual and remote laboratories, cyber-physical laboratories) in the development of professionals committed to problem solving
  • Analytical methods, tools, assessment of competencies for competencies for complex reasoning
  • Open education, open science, open data exchange, open repositories, physical laboratories, linked to the development of competencies for complex reasoning
  • Open educational resources to development competencies for complexity such as MOOCs
  • Open source platforms to scale complex reasoning skills
Education Research International
 Journal metrics
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Acceptance rate5%
Submission to final decision127 days
Acceptance to publication33 days
Journal Citation Indicator-
Impact Factor-
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