Research Article

Preliminary In Vitro Evaluation of the Probiotic Potential of the Bacteriocinogenic Strain Enterococcus lactis PMD74 Isolated from Ezine Cheese

Table 5

Probiotic and technological properties of E. lactis PMD74.

E. lactis PMD74

BSH activity+
Mucin degradation activity
Gelatinase activity
Autoaggregation (%)
T411 ± 0.98
T2033 ± 1.00
T2441 ± 1.00
Coaggregation (%)
Salm. enterica serotype Typhimurium SL134423% ± 2.00
S. aureus ATCC 653810.3% ± 1.70
E. coli ATCC 269227.4% ± 0.59
Hemolytic activityγ-Hemolytic
Amino acid decarboxylase detection
 Histidine decarboxylase
 Tyrosine decarboxylase
 Ornithine decarboxylase
 Arginine decarboxylase+
Acidification activity
 ∆pH60.8 ± 0.09
 ∆pH241.38 ± 0.09

± indicates standard deviation of three replicates. The result is expressed as the percentage (%) of coaggregated bacteria with the tested foodborne pathogens after 4 h incubation at 20°C.