Journal of Food Quality

Green Physical Processing Technologies for the Improvement of Food Quality


Lead Editor

1Jiangnan University, Jiangsu, China

2National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan

3South Dakota State University, Brookings, USA

4University of Georgia, Athens, USA

Green Physical Processing Technologies for the Improvement of Food Quality


With the rapid development of food and peripheral technology, green, efficient, and fast-oriented green physical processing has become the focus of the global industry and academia. The use of new physical processing or auxiliary processing methods can maintain food inherent nutrients, texture, color, and freshness and also reduce environmental pollution and energy consumption in food processing. In recent years, due to the increasing requirements of food freshness, nutrition, safety, and function, which led to the “least processed food” concept, the research and development of physical processing technology has been further promoted. Meanwhile, it has become a new growth point and driving force of the international food processing industry.

At present, the thermal and nonthermal processing technologies have been applied to dry, mature, sterilization, blunt enzymes, and other food-related fields gradually, including microwave, ultra-high pressure, pulsed electric field, high pressure homogenization, ionizing radiation, pulsed magnetic field, and ohmic heating. The relevant treatment processes display different effects on food composition and structure, affecting the flavor, physical properties, and functions of products and will affect the quality of products ultimately. Therefore, to clarify the interactive mode between food components and physical processing, the related researches are needed urgently. Furthermore, the targeted process should be ensured not only to satisfy the traditional sensory and nutritional requirements, but also to improve food quality and function due to its green physical processing and ultimately guarantee the quality, nutrition, and health in food processing.

This special issue will provide a platform to exhibit the latest research results about the applications of physical technologies to foods. Manuscript submissions associated with the interdisciplinary researches between food science and physical technology will be highly recommended and welcomed. These published articles would enable us to build bridges between the two disciplines. Submissions can make contributions based on basic principles and theories, improvement of methodologies, and novel devices along with any related innovations.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Effect of physical processing on food chemical function and structure
  • Effects of physical processing on the lethal mechanism of harmful bacteria and on beneficial bacteria
  • Effect of physical processing on the metabolism of food nutrients
  • Effects and regulations of physical processing on food flavor and sensory characteristics
  • Physical extraction of targeting substances and their effects on nutrition and health
  • Food quality, ensured-less losses and regulation mechanism during physical processing
  • Mathematical model during physical processing
  • Creation of new technology and equipment for food green physical processing
Journal of Food Quality
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Acceptance rate18%
Submission to final decision116 days
Acceptance to publication16 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.590
Impact Factor3.3
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